SEO Audit: The beginning of your journey

Through the audit, you will analyze the current state of your website and find out what needs to be improved in order to rank better in the search engines.

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SEO Audit

What does the audit include?

To check the current SEO condition of your site, we analyze various characteristics related to its indexing and structure, its content such as pages and images, and many more elements. This audit emphasizes the technical and so-called “on-page” components and does not analyze the external link building. We check some of  the following main areas:

  • Load speed – This analysis measures the time it takes for the server to load a given content or page in the user’s browser. Statistics show a strong positive relationship between site speed and user experience.
  • HTTP/HTTPS Protocols – In this section we analyze the HTTP and HTTPS security protocols available. They are used to encrypt data between the website and the browser.
  • URL Structure – This report helps visually assess your site’s URL structure by being able to easily find out which are the most popular categories and pages.
  • Crawling and Indexing – We check if there are any obstacles for the search engines crawling your pages and indexing them properly so that they can rank for relevant keyword searches.

What distinguishes our audit services?

2 days

You don’t need to wait! Our technical audit is ready in 2 work days!

100 parameters

We check your site for over 100 parameters that influence its ranking in the search engines and prepare a report on how it performs according to them;


Our team of specialists can prepare not only the audit but also help you with the technical implementation and solving the problems identified in it.

We are very impressed with how fast our SEO audit was prepared. It did a great job outlining what parts of our website needed improvements and what we should pay attention to. Wisbix gave us a great start to our SEO efforts.

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What comes next?

Once you’ve completed your SEO audit, your tasks are far from over, on the contrary, the hardest part is yet to come. The audit guides you on what needs to be done, but the excellent implementation of the recommendations will really impact your organic ranking. Often, however, agencies once they have prepared your SEO audit, are leaving you to struggle on your own with the technical issues identified in it, regardless of whether you have the necessary resources to deal with them.

We don’t proceed in that way, we are with you all the way, but can offer you the experts you need to help you solve your SEO shortcomings. Often, however, agencies once they have prepared your SEO audit, are leaving you to struggle on your own with the technical issues identified in it, regardless of whether you have the necessary resources to deal with them. We don’t proceed in that way, we are with you all the way, but can offer you the experts you need to help you solve your SEO shortcomings.

Order SEO Audit

Your audit is just a couple of clicks away. Fill in the form and take the first step towards a better SEO future for your website.


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SEO Audit Formidable

Frequently asked questions

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit identifies issues with your website that prevent it from ranking higher on search engines like Google. The SEO Audit is the first step when we start doing SEO optimization. Implementing the audit recommendations can lead to better site ranking in the search engines and increased traffic, which in turn can lead to increased conversions and revenue.

How often should be an SEO Audit done?

There is no golden rule for how often an SEO audit should be done. This depends on the size of the website and how big changes we plan to make to it. For example, when redesigning it, it is recommended to do an audit to see how the redesign has affected its parameters. But if we still want to give a concrete answer to the question “How often should you audit your website?”, many experts believe that due to the frequent changes in the search engines’ algorithms, an audit should be done at least once a year.

What do we include in an SEO Audit?

In our audit, we mainly focus on the technical parameters of your site by checking for over 100 issues that may negatively affect your SEO health such as broken pages, duplicate content, missing meta and H1 tags, etc. In addition, we also analyze the structure of your URLs, the speed of your site, and how easily it is crawled by search engines.

When shouldn’t you audit your website?

In contrast to the question “When should you audit your website “, the question “When shouldn’t you audit your website ” is equally important. We should note that the SEO audit would never have negative consequences on your site, so this is not a prerequisite to worry and serve as an argument against doing an audit. However, in some situations, investing in an audit will only affect your budget without bringing you any particular benefits. For example, if you have a small website and you do an audit every month or every two months without making any significant changes.