E-commerce with Magento

Reach thousands of people online with an outstanding online store. Go beyond the brick stores and sell your products anytime, anywhere.

online shop development wisbix

What is included?

  • Design with up to 2 iterations
  • Responsive design for mobile devices and desktop
  • Adding products to your online shop
  • Users’ registration
  • Payment method 
  • Delivery method
  • Administrative panel
  • Social media integration
  • Basic SEO optimization
  • Back-end training

What is Magento

With over 260 000 Magento-built stores worldwide, Magento proves to be one of the most powerful, flexible, and scalable online store platforms on the market.
It has a high level of security and you can enjoy an extensive array of tools for building and 

managing your online store. Magento 2 is the ultimate e-commerce solution for businesses that have a rich catalogue of many different products. Thanks to our expertise in Magento 2, we can turn your online shop into success. 

seo audit wisbix

What is the process?


We will ask you to fill in a short questionnaire about your online shop requirements that will help us understand the scope of your project.


We will review your basic requirements and contact you further if more clarifications are needed. Then, based on the information that you have provided us with, we will prepare and send you an offer.


when it comes to design, we will discuss together with you how to make your online shop stand out from your competition, what important features of your brand you want to see in your new store design, etc. Then, we will prepare a mock-up design and adjunct it according to your feedback to meet your needs. 


We start working on your online shop’s backend and frontend during this stage. Our technical team will set up the platform, and add your products, payment methods, etc. We will use a password-protected production environment to ensure that no one outside the project can access it while working on it.


Once the website is ready you can test it to see if everything works fine. If there are no issues, we will open it for visitors and potential clients. 


After your online shop is online, we will continue looking after it for the next three months completely free of charge. During this period, we will daily monitor its performance and take care of any technical problems that may occur. If you wish to extend our support beyond these three months, we will prepare an offer, especially for you at a preferential price. 

seo audit wisbix

What do you get with us?

3 months of free support
6 months of free hosting

Get an offer

Corporate website

What comes next?

We will help you increase your online shop organic traffic from search engines like Google by helping them better understand what your business is about and rank it higher for revenant keywords.

We offer you a 5% discount on technical SEO optimization with an audit prepared by us!

website requirements

Frequently asked questions

What are the costs? 

Depending on your online shop requirements, we will prepare an individual offer. It really depends on the scope of your project and the functionalities you wish your website to have. Therefore, we do not use ready-made packages but keep in mind your individual needs. 

How long does it take?

It depends. More complex online stores with more products and functionalities will take longer to launch than small ones. The completion of the project also depends on the speed at which you provide us with your feedback during the various stages. 

What do you need from me?

We will need information about your business, completive advantages, competitors and so on. When it comes to design, we will ask you to share with us store designs that you like (regardless of the industry) to serve as inspiration for your own online shop. We will also need specific texts or images that you wish to include in your online store. If you have any trouble providing us with the needed information, we can guide you along the way 

I don’t have a domain what should I do?

The domain is like the house address of your new store. It will be the place where your clients will find you. Therefore, it should be easy to remember and write down. In case, you still don’t have your domain, we can help you check if the domains that you like are available and if they are, we can purchase them for you. We work together with ByteOpt to ensure we can find the best domain for you. If you need any support regarding this, please contact us.

What about technical support? 

The first 3 months of technical support are free. Afterward, we can prepare for you an individual offer to ensure your online shop is up and running, and it will not let your business down with slow-loading times, broken functionalities, and errors. If you are interested in getting professional support for your online shop, contact us.

What payment methods do you accept? 

Generally, we accept bank transfers. However, if you prefer another way, we can discuss it with you and see if we can come up with a payment method that suits both sides. In our offer, we will propose a payment plan that we can follow during the project.