Marketing Automation & E-mail

Increase your sales with marketing automation and an email platform that helps you target the right customers at the right time.  Grow your website traffic and sales by triggering specific campaigns based on your customer behavior and track and analyze your results in one place.

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Why marketing automation?

Identify, engage, and convert your customers

Raise customer relationships

Engage your customers with a personalized information based on their buying behavior, message sent and forms field to promote their loyalty. 

Sophisticated Segmentation

Automated segmentation process where you can divide your customers based on their behavior, such as form filling, actions taken, visited pages, etc. 

Personalized Emails

Send personalized emails based on your customers’ data to create a custom experience and drive engagement and revenue. 

Contacts Score

Automatically score your customers’ interactions with your brand to find out which of them are the most loyal and which ones need a little bit of an extra push to convert. 

Engage your customers with the right content 

Use our marketing automation platform to create effective campaigns which will be triggered by specific actions 

Campaign Builder

Build successful ongoing campaigns with a user-friendly campaign builder, where you can decide what content to send to your prospective customers depending on their actions and decisions. 

Single emails

Apart from the campaigns you can send single emails to your contact to share your newsletter, announce special promotions, and other marketing messages.  

Email Builder

You can quickly create designs and send beautiful emails to your clients with a powerful drag-and-drop email builder.  

Measure and optimize your marketing efforts  

Go beyond just getting information about your open rate and bounce rate, discover the whole picture, and turn your data into actionable insights.  

Easy-to-use analytics

Gain insights into the overall performance of your campaigns with easy-to-use and clear dashboards.     

Map your customer journey

Get to know all your customers’ touchpoints with your brand and tailor your marketing efforts to their needs.  

Custom reports

Create your custom reports, pick the dimensions and metrics, and turn your data into actionable insights to reach your goals and optimize your performance. 

Are you ready to start enjoying the benefits of marketing automation?


We will sit together with you to discuss everything that you need to know about the marketing automation platform and how to proceed with integrating it with your website. We will also address any concerns that you may have about the process. Count-up


When we get all needed to start, we will continue with the technical integration of the marketing automation system. We will first do the basic installation and configuration. Then we will move on with personalizing it to meet the needs of your digital environment. 


We will train your team on how to use the platform efficiently – how to set up campaigns, manage contacts, build emails, etc. Besides, we will provide you with an easy-to-follow guide on how to operate the platform. 


We will take care of the technical aspects of the marketing automation platform such as maintenance, updates, and taking care of or any other problems that may occur. Furthermore, if you need additional aid in building effective marketing campaigns, we can be there for you too.  

Take the first steps towards automation

Marketing Automation

Frequently asked questions

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation is defined as the use of technology to carry out marketing activities automatically. The automation software handles all the defined routine marketing tasks without the need for human interference. As such marketing automation is a perfect way to remove repetitive tasks from your marketing team and increase their overall efficiency.

What are the benefits of marketing automation?

One of the greatest benefits of marketing automation is that it saves you time by taking mundane and routine tasks off your marketing team. As a result, it leaves them with more time to take care of strategically important tasks. Furthermore, marketing automation eliminates the probability of human errors such as forgetting to send reminder emails. It also gives you a way to better understand and score the behavior of clients and prospective clients by providing you with touchpoints and a lead-scoring system. If you have any additional questions, regarding the benefits of marketing automation, please contact us.

What do we need to start using your marketing automation solution? 

For the installation of the marketing automation platform, you are going to need a dedicated domain or subdomain as well as a hosting plan, as similar to a website you will need a place where to host the platform. We can work together with Byteopt to provide you with both domain and hosting or request them from your current hosting provider. After we are done with the basic installation, we will need access to your website backend in order to integrate it with the marketing automation platform, so that you can start collecting leads.  

What platform do you use for marketing automation?

We base our marketing automation services on Mautic. It is the world’s largest open-source marketing automation platform and it is used by over 200 000 organizations across the globe. Being an open source, it has a very high level of personalization to meet the needs of your company.  

Can I manually import contacts?

Yes, the platform allows you to not only automatically create contacts but you can also manually import them. You can create a single contact or import multiple contacts in a bulk.