Grow your business with Google Ads

Get noticed by your potential clients when they are using Google to look for services such as yours. Promote your business online and gain visibility across Google, YouTube, and more. 

online shop development wisbix

Google Ads Campaign Types

Find the best mix of Google Ads campaign types to reach your goals and connect your targeted audience with your business.


Get in front of the right customers when they are seeking your products and services while using Google search. 


Grow your brand awareness and attract new clients on YouTube. Choose who you want to see your video ads based on location, interests, etc.


Use compelling content and images to connect with potential customers across over 3 million websites and apps. 


Reengages your potential clients who have already visited your website and expressed interest in your services. 

Unlock Google Ads’ Full Potential

Our team can assist you in maximizing the potential of Google Ads for your business by offering you carefully planned marketing campaigns, engaging content, as well as result analysis and optimization. 

Marketing strategy 

Creating a marketing strategy to achieve your business goals with an emphasis on the products and services that you wish to stand out for in Google.

Campaign building

A team of copywriters and designers will put together ad texts, visuals, and ad extensions for an effective campaign and set up the bidding options and the targeted audience. 


Analyzing the results and preparing a detailed report on them, so that we can sit together with you and discuss what can be further done to improve your campaigns.

Keywords research

Researching and assessing relevant keywords for your business, which we are going to use in your search Google Ads campaigns. 

Campaign management 

During your campaign, we will manage it closely by making adjustments to your daily budget, and ad groups as well as track how the changes impact the overall performance. 


Based on the results we will make the needed adjustments to ensure the good health of your campaigns and to improve your ads performance. 

What it is included in our services? 

Setting up a Google Ads account

Auditing the existing Google Ads account 

Integration between Google Ads and Google analytics 

Marketing strategy 

Keywords research 


Google Ads extensions 

Campaign Structuring 

Audience targeting 

Budget management 

Campaign optimization

Reporting and Analytics


is the ROI that paid ads have!

160 billion

Searches users make through Google monthly!


of advertisers rate Google as the most trustworthy!


of the mobile clicks are received from Google ads!

Contact us to discuss your Google Ads campaign

Our passionate professionals are eager to understand your unique goals and challenges. We believe that every interaction has the potential to spark innovation and ignite transformative solutions. Let’s connect, collaborate, and craft a digital strategy tailored to your need.

Google Ads
seo wisbix

Technical SEO

Why should you pay attention to your Technical SEO? It ensures that your website is easy to navigate and it’s comprehendible for the search engines. What’s more, it also guarantees that it does not have any technical problems that prevent it from being indexed and ranked by them.

SEO Audit 

Enjoy a personalized technical SEO audit of your site, ready within up to 2 working days. We will check your website for over 100 parameters that influence its search ranking and prepare a report on how it performs according to them.

seo audit wisbix

Frequently asked questions

How does Google ads work?

Consider Google Ads to be an auction where your advertisements are up for bid. For instance, if you want your ad to appear when someone searches on Google for a particular term, like “yellow dress,” Google will take your ad and compare it to the other advertiser who also wanted to utilize those keywords. Then, Google will choose which results to display to this user and in what position in the search results, based on factors like the bid for the term and the relevance of the ad.

What do I need to start using Google Ads?

Starting is quite easy – You just need to create a Google Ads account and fill in your business information. The tricky part is creating and managing campaigns effectively and integrating your Google Ads with your current digital environment (website, Google Analytics, etc.). But do not worry, here is where we will be there for you. 

How expensive is Google Ads 

There is not really a fixed cost, as Google Ads work as a bid system, where your ads are competing with many others in order to be shown to your potential client. Therefore, it depends on many factors, such as how competitive is your industry, how expensive the targeted keywords and so on as well as which country or region your wish to target. As you may expect the higher the competition is, the more expensive Google Ads may become. 

What is remarketing?

Remarketing known also as retargeting is targeting consumers, who have already engaged with your brand. Simply put it gives you the opportunity to show your ads to people, who have already visited your website before, have bought from you, and so on. It is a very effective form of advertising as you are targeting potential clients that have already shown interest in your products or services. However, please be aware that you cannot start straight with remarketing as there are several criteria that you need to cover before this option is available for you like creating a remarketing list with at least 1000 visitors for search. 

What is the difference between organic and paid reach?

Paid reach as the name dictates is associated with the number of people for whom you have paid to see your ad. On the other hand, if they have found you on their own without the aid of an ad or another paid means that you have reached them organically.

How can I increase my organic reach?

One of the best ways to increase your organic reach is SEO. SEO allows your website to get more organic traffic as it helps your website to appear and rank higher in the search engines when people search relevant keywords. SEO and Google Ads can work together to help your business become more visible online. 

What languages do you cover?

Currently, we only cover English and Bulgarian.